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27 November 2010

November In Poland

Uh .... it was very exciting for us in November!
First of all: a fifteen-people- group went to the University in our town-Elblag. The professor explained us what parts must the car contain to be able to move. The boys showed great understanding of concepts such as: motor differential. Then we did small car models with the Lego rods in order to develop the shape of the real futur one. The rest of the students who were in the school calculate the informatio of segregation of waste surveys, which conducted in our school. Our teacher discussed our environmental problems, and they what renewable energy means. We also voted and chose the best mascot made by students with waste.
W all hope that December will also be as interesting as November.

Comenius member
Joanna Nowak
Kl. Vb

Listopad w Polsce

Uh…. Bardzo emocjonujący był dla nas listopad!
W grupie piętnastoosobowej udaliśmy się na Politechnikę, w naszym mieście- Elblągu. Pan tłumaczył nam jakie części musi zawierać samochód, aby mógł jeździć. Chłopcy wykazali się dużą znajomością pojęć na przykład: silniczek różnicowy. Zbudowaliśmy z klocków ‘’Lego” małe modele samochodów, aby opracować kształt oryginału. Reszta osób, które zostały w szkole obliczały ankiety dotyczące segregacji odpadów, które zostały przeprowadzone w naszej szkole. Z naszą nauczycielką omawialiśmy problemy środowiska i tłumaczyliśmy co to znaczy energia odnawialna.
Została też wybrana najlepsza maskotka zrobiona z odpadów.
Wszyscy mamy nadzieje, że grudzień również będzie tak ciekawy jak listopad.

Uczestnik Comeniusa
Joanna Nowak
Kl. Vb

25 November 2010


October was a busy month for us! Wow, besides the Comenius meeting preparation, we had the School's 34th anniversary, Halloween celebration and starting the rehearsal for the Christmas show!
The 7th grader are all very excited to host the foreign students. Parents were informed and not long after we had the 15 host families we needed. Comenius projects are usual at our school, but not for 12 year-olds so they were very happy to be included. Everyday someone comes up to me and asks me: «Do you already know who's staying with me?». They are all eager to meet these new friends, to show them their school, their homes, their city... and to work together too!
At the moment families are answering the questionnaires (common to all partner schools) that later will be studied by the pupils and results discussed in the January meeting.

Teacher Carla Seabra Gaspar
Colégio Campo de Flores - Portugal
Outubro foi um mês muito ocupado para nós! Para além da preparação do próximo encontro Comenius, comemorámos o  34º aniversário do colégio, celebrámos o dia das bruxas e iniciámos os ensaios para a festa de Natal! Os 7ºs anos estão excitadísimos com a ideia de receber alunos estrangeiros. Os encarregados de educação foram informados e não demorou muto até termos as 15 famílias de acolhimento que necessitamos. Os projectos Comenius já não são novidade no colégio, mas normalmente não costumas participar tão cedo, pois isso os alunos de 7º ano ficaram felizes por ser incluídos. Todos os dias alguém me pergunta: «Já sabe quem é que vai ficar comigo?». Estão todos ansiosos por conhecer estes novos amigos, mostrar-lhes a sua escola, os seus lares, a cidade... e para trabalhar também!
Neste momento, as famílias estão a responder aos questionários (comuns a todas as escolas parceiras) que mais tarde serão analisados e discutidos os resultados na reunião de Janeiro.
Profª Carla Seabra Gaspar
Colégio Campo de Flores - Portugal

23 November 2010

Tintin au tribunal

L'interdiction de "Tintin au Congo" plaidée devant un tribunal belge

Un ressortissant congolais et le Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires (CRAN), une association française, ont plaidé lundi devant un tribunal belge l'interdiction de "Tintin au Congo", porteuse selon eux de clichés racistes et offensants à l'égard des Africains.


11 November 2010

Comenius October in Poland

October in Poland
In Poland we had a very busy October. Our teacher returned from the visit in Italy. The teacher told us what the visits to schools are planned and how our stays will be in different countries. At the end she gave us Italian sweets.

Of course, we were taught new words, which would make our communication easy. We were working hard on various posters and mascots. I think some are very funny…

Everyone wonders who is going to leave and to which country. Some want to go to Portugal, and others to Italy or France. Everyone is learning new phrases and expressions at home so that we can ask where something is located, etc. We are all very excited.

All classes at our school had one lesson on the processing of organic materials recycling.
Comenius member class 5B:
Joanna Nowak

Październik w Polsce

W Polsce mieliśmy bardzo pracowity październik. Nasza nauczycielka wróciła z wizyty we Włoszech. Pani opowiedziała nam jakie są plany wyjazdów i jak będzie wyglądał nasz pobyt w różnych krajach. Na koniec poczęstowała nas włoskimi słodyczami.

Oczywiście uczyliśmy się nowych słów, które ułatwiłyby nam komunikację.

Intensywnie pracowaliśmy nad różnymi plakatami i maskotkami. Myślę, że niektóre będą bardzo zabawne….
Każdy zastanawia się czy wyjedzie i do jakiego kraju. Niektórzy chcą pojechać do Portugalii, inni do Włoch czy Francji każdy uczy się w domu nowe zwroty i wyrażenia, dzięki którym będziemy mogli zapytać, gdzie coś się znajduje, itp. Wszyscy jesteśmy bardzo podekscytowani.

Również wszystkie klasy w naszej szkole miały jedną ekologiczną lekcję o przetwarzaniu surowców wtórnych.

Comenius klasa 5b:
Joanna Nowak

10 November 2010

NEWS FROM FRANCE, OCTOBER 2010/ Des nouvelles de France, Octobre 2010...

Here is what we did in October 2010 for the Comenius project :
- to symbolize the beginning of the Comenius project, we planted a tree (a Liquidambar or sweet gum tree) on 18th October 2010, in the school playground, with the help of the NFO.
- in order to realize a medieval garden, we ploughed the ground, then we will put some fences before planting different things.
- we started working on the creation of solar cars and becoming acquainted with making videos.


Voici ce que nous avons fait au mois d'octobre 2010 pour le projet Comenius :
- pour symboliser le démarrage du projet Comenius, nous avons planté un arbre (un liquidambar) le 18 octobre 2010 dans la cour du collège avec la participation de l'ONF.
- pour réaliser un jardin médiéval, nous avons retourné la terre et l'avons labouré, puis nous installerons des clôtures avant de faire différentes plantations.
- nous avons commencé à travailler sur la réalisation des voitures solaires ainsi que sur le montage vidéo.


06 November 2010

Human Impact On The Environment

November (already)!!!


Domenica pomeriggio 3 ottobre sono arrivate le colleghe degli altri tre paesi ( Francia, Polonia e Portogallo)partecipanti al progetto Comenius. La sera per dare loro il benvenuto, la nostra dirigente ha organizzato a casa sua una cena, alla quale molti colleghi hanno aderito per rendere più piacevole la serata.ll lunedì mattina si è dato inizio ai lavori facendo visitare la nostra scuola, composta da due plessi:la Cuciniello e la Gobetti. Lunedì e martedì pomeriggio ci siamo riuniti e abbiamo rielaborato il questionario sulla raccolta differenziata e sul riciclo, che gli alunni italiani, francesi, polacchi e portoghesi avevano preparato. Inoltre si è scelto il logo che dovrà rappresentare il progetto; la vittoria se la sono aggiudicata i portoghesi e quindi sarà il loro logo a rappresentarci. Molto interessante è stata la lezione in lingua (francese e inglese) tenuta dalle colleghe nelle classi seconde. Questi tre giorni sono stati molto intensi, ma molto interessanti e produttivi. Si è stabilito un ottimo rapporto con le colleghe, che speriamo possa continuare. Noi insegnanti di inglese e francese abbiamo già iniziato a lavorare nelle nostre classi, leggendo e commentando con gli alunni, degli articoli sull'importanza della raccolta differenziata e sul riciclo. Gli alunni sono molto interessati e affascinati da questo progetto e non vedono l'ora di potersi incontrare con i loro coetanei francesi, polacchi e portoghesi. (Gabriella)

Bonjour chères collègues,Je vous remercie pour l’occasion que vous nous donnez pour vous illustrer le parcours que, ma collègue Gabriella Nicolosi et moi, nous avons effectué à propos du Projet Comenius Je vais vous expliquer le programme Comenius de français que mes élèves de 2ème A, B, D ont réalisé pendant le mois de octobre :D’abord on a travaillé sur le lexique écolo, parce que c’était le premier niveau établi par la commission du projet. Dès lors les élèves paraissaient intéressés à apprendre le vocabulaire du petit écologiste !(Dommage ! Nous ne disposons que de deux heures par semaine et c’est un travail qui prend beaucoup de temps !)Le second niveau concernait les lectures que je leur ai proposées, c’est-à-dire « Sauvons la planète » et « Le décalogue du citoyen écolo », ce dernier prévoyais le complètement des « règles » avec des mots suggérés tels que déchets,pollution,déchetterie,décharge,écologique,nature,acousti-que,recyclé,milieu,jette,énergie,trie,environnement,poubelles,recy-cler,sauvegarde.De plus, nous avons lu « La durée de vie des déchets » selon les types de déchets, du moins au plus dur à se détruire, c’est-à-dire à partir du mouchoir en papier (3 mois de vie) jusqu’au verre (5000 ans de vie) et encore, en ce qui concerne l’activité « Un monde plus beau est entre nos mains », les élèves ont appris comment reconnaître un produit recyclé : à travers les sigles et logotypes apposés sur les produits ou les emballages où l’on peut trouver trois informations :
le matériau est recyclé
le matériau est valorisable
le matériau est respectueux de l’environnement
et que les logos « recyclés » concernent surtout les produits en papier et, plus récemment, certains plastiques,
et que les industries de l’emballage se sont organisées pour récupérer et recycler leurs produits !
Et enfin, tous ensemble ils ont réfléchi sur les problèmes de l’environnement et les solutions pour protéger la nature : 1) nous détruisons les forêts , et du moment qu’elles représentent l’oxygène de la planète, protégeons-les ! ; 2) nous empoisonnons les cours d’eau ; 3) nous gaspillons l’eau potable et du moment qu’elle n’est pas une ressource inépuisable, économisons-la !; 4) nous polluons, nous dégradons la nature, alors, trions les déchets ou portons-les dans une déchetterie ! Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez de tout ça ?Je vous assure que l’intérêt des élèves a été considérable lorsqu’ils se sont occupés des logos et des mascottes à réaliser et il y en a de beaux !!! Dommage que nous n’avons pas organisé un concours pour choisir le meilleur ou la meilleure !!! (en effet on n’a pas eu de temps pour le faire). (Linda)

Gabriella writes about the visit of the European colleagues at the beginning of October: the work at school, the choice of the logo, the questionnaire.
She also thinks that the lessons at school have been very interesting.

She says the work has been hard but very useful and that the relationship built by the colleagues has been very close and she hopes we can continue working together in such a good way.

Gabriella and Linda speak about the work in the classes and the enthusiasm of the children involved in the project.

Linda gives you details about the activities: the presentation of the new words useful for the project, the readings: “Let’s save the planet”, “The Decalogue of the eco-friendly citizen” and “The life of garbage”. These readings have been very useful to make pupils think about the problems concerning the environment and the (possible) solutions to protect nature.

Her pupils have already prepared some mascots. She thinks that it would have been fantastic to organize a competition to choose the best one.