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25 October 2010

Europe meets at Trezzano.

Trezzano, a nice sunny small Italian town, has hosted the first international European meeting concerning the protection of the environment.

The people involved in the meeting came from different places of Europe. Northern, Western, Central and Southern Europe were all represented at their best.

The meeting analysed the project in its most detailed aspects and issued a very interesting document: teachers and pupils of different schools will be involved in different activities and visits.

Some products have already been prepared: the logo which you can see in the photo at the bottom and the questionnaire which will permit to have a clear view of what pupils and their families already know and do about the protection of the environment.

The group of teachers have also taken decisions about the main aspects concerning the visits, the first of which will be in Portugal at the beginning of the new year. In every visit 5 pupils of each visiting country will “taste” the typical school-week of their European mates.

The teachers have also enjoyed some convivial moments as the famous “dinner at school” with typical Italian products, the visit to the Duomo, the Sforza Castle and the La Scala theatre in Milano which, although not as famous as Trezzano, is also well-known all over the world and some very pleasant toasts and songs …..

All the teachers are really looking forward to the going on of the project and the several planned activities.

21 October 2010

The start of Comenius in Poland

This is about the Polish part of Comenius project Let E Be!...

We've started a new school year with a great excitement since we got to know about the approval of our project by the National Agency in Warsaw in June 2010.
We established a group of 5 teachers to work on the project and what's the most important, two Comenius groups of 15 students each aged 11 and 12.
The aim of the teachers' meetings is to coopearate over project tasks. The students meet weekly in order to accomplish the project activities regarding the common plan of Let E Be!
The first work in September 2010 was on the project logo and questions of waste segregation. There were some great logos done in pairs or in groups of three. We chose the one of three 12-year-old girls from 6D grade. It shows four children holding bulbs up. It presents common European involvement into protection of the world. We took it to the teachers' visit in Italy in October. We are very glad that a lot of teachers liked it much!
We're sending our congrats to Portuguese students whose logo has been chosen to be the Let E Be! logo!
This is the beginning of the project work. Students are studying environmental words and preparing to the next tasks which seem very interesting! They are full of eagerness as they see the aim of their work. Moreover they are looking foreward to hearing and seeing from European friends.
Best wishes on your work!

The Polish coordinator of Let E Be!
Monika Soltysiak
Primary school no12 in Elblag

To jest o polskiej wersji projektu Niech E Będzie!...

Rozpoczęliśmy nowy rok z wielką ekscytacją odkąd dowiedzieliśmy się o akceptacji projektu przez narodową Agencję w Warszawie w czerwcu 2010r.
Powołaliśmy grupę 5 nauczycieli do pracy nad projektem i co ważniejsze dwie grupy 15 uczniów każda w wieku 11-12 lat. Celem grupy nauczycieli jest współpraca nad zadaniami projektu. Uczniowie spotykają się cotygodniowo aby wypełnić zadania według planu projektu Niech E Będzie!
Pierwszą pracą projektu było opracowanie logo i pytań o segregację odpadów. Były wspaniałe loga wykonane przez ucznów w parach i grupach. Wybraliśmy logo trzech dunastoletnich uczennic z klasy 6D. Pokazuje ono czterech uczniów trzymających w górze żarówki. Prezentuje wspólne Europejskie zaangażowanie w ochronę Ziemi. Zbraliśmy je na pierwsze spotkanie nauczycieli projketu we Włoszech w październiku. Jesteśmy zadowoleni, gdyż podobało się wielu nauczycielom.
Ślemy gratulacje do portugalskich uczniów, których logo zostało wybrane na logo projektu Niech E Będzie!
To początek naszej pracy. Uczniowie uczą się słowek o środowisku i przygotowują do następnych zadań, które wydają się ciekawe. Są pełni zapału, gdyż widzą cel swojej pracy. Co więcej z niecierpliwościa czekają na informacje oraz, by zobaczyć się z europejskimi przyjaciółmi.
Najlepsze życzenia na waszą pracę!

Polski koordynator projektu Niech E Będzie!
Monika Sołtysiak
SP 12 w Elblągu

17 October 2010

NEWS FROM FRANCE / Des nouvelles de France...

French logos / logos français

What happened in France in September ?
We came back to school on September 2nd, 2010 and started working on the Comenius project.
First, we talked about planting the Comenius tree (symbol of our project). We met the National Forestry Office to get some advice about the planting of the tree and we had to ask for authorization from the local authorities to plant it in the schoolyard. We will probably plant a maple tree, on the 18th of October (ideal date for planting), with the help of the N.F.O..
Then, we wrote a questionnaire on recycling with Year 9 classes and brought it to Italy to create a common questionnaire.
Finally, we organized a Comenius logo contest. 9 pupils draw logos and the whole school voted for their favourite. The winner of the contest was Claire Ardoin (Y9), the 2nd was Valentin Moine-Picard (Y9) and the 3rd was Morgane Gautheron (Y8). Congratulations to them !!! The winning logo was taken to Italy at the beginning of October for the final vote but the logo that was finally selected was the one from Portugal.
Each month you will find here more information about the project so please visit us again in November…

Que s’est-il passé en France en septembre?
De retour au collège le 2 septembre 2010, nous avons commencé à travailler sur le projet Comenius.
D’abord, nous avons parlé de la plantation de l’arbre Comenius (symbole de notre projet). Nous avons rencontré l’Office National des Forêts pour obtenir des conseils concernant la plantation et nous avons dû demander l’autorisation des autorités locales pour planter l’arbre dans la cour. Nous planterons probablement un érable, le 18 octobre 2010 (date idéale), avec l’aide de l’O.N.F..
Puis, nous avons rédigé un questionnaire sur le recyclage avec les 4èmes et l’avons emporté en Italie pour créer un questionnaire commun.
Enfin, nous avons organisé un concours de logo Comenius. 9 élèves ont proposé leur logo et tout le collège a voté pour leur préféré. La gagnante du concours est Claire Ardoin (4ème), le 2nd est Valentin Moine-Picard (4ème) et la 3ème est Morgane Gautheron (5ème). Félicitations à eux !!! Le logo gagnant a été emporté en Italie début Octobre pour le vote final mais le logo qui a été finalement sélectionné est celui du Portugal.
Chaque mois, vous trouverez ici plus d’informations sur le projet alors revenez nous voir en novembre …

13 October 2010

news from Italy

Istituto Comprensivo Franceschi –
Trezzano sul Naviglio – Italy

We got the approval of our Comenius project during our Summer holidays, so, in September, when school started, the Comenius project was a surprise for most of the teachers and pupils.

A nice surprise!!!

Many of the teachers of our school wanted their classes to take part in the project. As there are 26 classes in our school we had to decide what classes were going to work. We chose the second classes of scuola media ( 7th year: pupils aged 12). About 150 pupils will be involved in the project. Some of them will work in the first part of the school year, some others in the second part.

Before the visit of the European colleagues, the teachers asked the pupils to prepare a logo for the project and some questions concerning recycling.

We got many logos. One was chosen for the final “competition” with the logos of the other European school. All the other logos – and some are really beautiful and interesting – will be put on big posters and exhibited during the school open day in December.

Our pupils are very excited at the idea of working in an international project and keep asking information about it and the activities they are going to do with their French, Polish and Portuguese mates.

L’approvazione del progetto Comenius è arrivata durante le vacanze estive, pertanto, a settembre, quando la scuola è iniziata, il progetto Comenius è stata una sorpresa per la maggior parte degli insegnanti e degli alunni.

Una bella sorpresa!!!

Molti degli insegnanti della nostra scuola volevano che la loro classe partecipasse al progetto. Poiché nella nostra scuola ci sono 26 classi abbiamo dovuto decidere quali classi avrebbero lavorato. Abbiamo scelto le classi seconde. Circa 150 ragazzi saranno coinvolti nel progetto. Alcuni lavoreranno nella prima parte dell’anno scolastico, altri nella seconda.

Prima della visita dei colleghi europei, gli insegnanti hanno chiesto ai loro alunni di preparare un logo per il progetto e alcune domande riguardanti la raccolta differenziata e il riciclo.

Ci sono stati molti logo. Ne è stato scelto uno per la “gara” finale con i logo degli altri paesi. Tutti gli altri logo - e alcuni sono veramente belli e interessanti – saranno messi su grandi manifesti ed esposti durante la giornata dell’accoglienza a dicembre.

I nostri alunni sono molto emozionati all’idea di lavorare ad un progetto internazionale e continuano a chiedere informazioni agli insegnanti riguardo questo progetto e le attività previste con i loro nuovi compagni francesi, polacchi e portoghesi.

12 October 2010


 A new school year has just begun and we have already done so much!
The faces of our students show enthusiasm and joy whenever they have the chance to contribute to our Comenius Project.
Students from the 7th grade (12-13 year-olds) built a questionnaire about the environmental awareness at home. They put a lot of effort and creativity into it.
The 6th graders ( 11-12 year-olds) planted two trees: a holmoak and a medlar. They were so happy to do this. It was an incredible and unforgettable experience for them!
A class of students from the 9th grade (14-15 year-olds) was asked to draw a logo for our project. The outcome was so amazing we had a really hard time choosing which pictures to take to the meeting in Italy…
Thanks to all the students for never letting us down and making this experience worth while. Also many thanks to all the teachers involved at our school Colégio Campo de Flores.
Congratulations to our student Rita Pereira and Arts teacher Lina Vieira for the winning logo!
That’s all for now! We are already planning our big host in January J
Portuguese coordinator: Carla Seabra Gaspar
Ainda mal começou um novo ano escolar e já fizemos tanto!
Entusiasmo e alegria espelham nas caras dos nossos alunos sempre que lhes é dada a oportunidade de contribuir para o projecto Comenius.
Os alunos do 7º ano (12-13 anos) construíram um questionário acerca da consciência e práticas ambientais em casa. Despositaram muito empenho e criatividade nesta tarefa!
Os alunos do 6º ano ( 11-12 anos) plantaram duas árvores:uma azinheira e uma nespereira. Estavam tão felizes por poder faze-lo. Foi uma experiência incrível que nunca esquecerão!
Foi pedido a uma turma do 9º ano (14-15 anos) que desenhasse uma proposta de logótipo para o nosso projecto. Os resultados foram tão surpreendentes que foi difícil escolher quais levar para a reunião na Itália…
Um grande agradecimento aos nossos alunos por nunca nos deiludirem e fazerem toda esta experiência valer a pena. Um obrigado também a todos os professores colaboradores do nosso colégio.
Parabéns à aluna Rita Pereira e professor Lina Vieira pelo logotipo vencedor!
Por agora é tudo! Temos de nos preparar para a grande recepção em Janeiro.J
Coordenadora de Portugal: Carla Seabra Gaspar